From WordPress to Octopress

I have just migrated my blog engine from WordPress to Octopress. After exploring (googling) for hours about it, how to install, customize, hosting etc, finally I got a decision :

Ok I will migrate my blog to Octopress.

Octopress is a framework designed for Jekyll, the static blogging engine powering Github Pages. In this post, I will not write detail about Octopress. Many complete articles out there available to be as reference.

The reasons that make me interest in Octopress are :

  1. No database needed
  2. Hosting does not have to have php support
  3. Using Markdown
  4. Having nice project structure, very intuitive to customize it. Just need html, would be better if have ruby knowledge but not have to
  5. Supported by github, so can use terminal to post articles
  6. Many plugin support
  7. Can use any simple text editor like Atom, Sublime, Notepad++ or even Vim etc

I plan will not maintain anymore. Even though at the time of this blog post the site is still accessible and maybe some articles visible on google search. In case the links are broken, please kindly find the related articles on

The last, I would say thank you very much to WordPress for had been my platform writing blog, and welcome Octopress for being the new one :)